Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Week 7 Chaos Theory

Chaos theory describes complex nonlinear dynamics of sensitive systems and is based on the principals of the butterfly effect, Unpredictability, fractals, mixing, feedback, chaos and order. Chaos is more evident, and used to understand long-term systems that are mathematically deterministic but impossible or nearly impossible to predict.  The complex phenomenon associated with chaos is described by fractal mathematics, which captures the infinite complexity of nature. Many systems in the natural world can be understood to have fractal properties. Without chaos theory a forest, lake, or clouds for example which all exhibit complex, chaotic behavior would only be partially understood.                        
Fractals are infinitely complex never-ending patterns that are self-similar across different scales. They are created by repeating similar processes over and over in a feedback loop. Fractals can be observed in the natural environment- by observing  cloud patterns, flowers, shells, etc..  Understanding fractals gives us in
Recognizing the chaotic, fractal nature of our world can deepen our consciousness into how complex systems such as the body function, become ill and heal. In Chinese Medicine has historically applied the ideas of fractals, scaling and micro systems to support the body’s ability heal.

“Cool Experiment”
I choose to try out the 2 Ball Experiment. I grabbed a tennis ball and doggie toy ball that was slightly heavier and larger in mass. I dropped the two balls together, the slightly heavier one underneath the tennis ball. The balls separated as expected. Then the doggie ball hit the ground, rebounded and hit the tennis ball. The tennis ball went flying and the doggie ball fell back down. I observed that the energy of the doggie ball was transferred to the springy tennis ball.

This last week I was also in an auto accident. During the accident a car sped through a red light and hit the car that I was in on the rear passenger side. The car that I was in spun around approximately 540 degress absorbing the energy of the impact, while the other car only moved about 40 feet from the initial site of impact. 

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